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The Dodie Londen Excellence in Public Service Series (DLEPSS) is a political leadership training program for Republican women. The purpose of DLEPSS is to equip Republican women with the skills necessary to provide principle-centered leadership for the benefit of Arizona, and our nation. The focus of the series is to acquaint the participants with every level of government and politics while exploring the principles of conservatism.



The DLEPSS is an eight-session series of full-day sessions, each designed to address a specific area of government and politics, from a Republican perspective. Within each session will be a segment on conservative principles. The program consists of monthly, in-person sessions, October through May, with graduation in June. There is a networking event the evening before each session. 


There is mandatory reading that can begin upon placement but must be completed according to the schedule. There is minimal homework for some sessions, normally not exceeding 2 hours of time to complete.


Each session will feature recognized and respected experts on specific topics,

current events, leadership, and the political process. Due to the high cost of

providing this opportunity to each participant and in order to foster collaboration,

participatory learning and to maximize interaction among students and presenters,

the class size is limited.


An application fee of $35 to be included with the application. Tuition is $500 per member; $250 will be paid upon acceptance, and the remainder is due 30 days before the DC session. With admittance comes a scholarship to cover the full cost of the program, valued at approximately $10,000 per person. Those selected to participate in the program must agree to participate fully and apply with a commitment to complete the entire series.



  • Applicants for this program are expected to have demonstrated considerable leadership skills in their chosen field of work or in service to the community over a significant period of time.

  • Applicants must display a commitment to the process of building a tradition of full participation in politics and government and be able to confirm a loyalty to the Republican Party.

  • Applicant must be sponsored by two individuals; a fellow Republican and a community sponsor who knows the applicant outside her party/government activities.

  • Full-time students are not eligible to apply.

  • Must be a registered Republican and maintain registration throughout the series. 


The members of the Board of Governors of Dodie Londen Excellence in Public Service Series are responsible for the final selection of participants. The two-phase process consists of a written application and an in-person interview.

The written application will be judged on the basis of:

  1. Achievement

  2. Leadership experience or ability

  3. Commitment to future public/political service

  4. Understanding of Republican principles


Finalists will be selected for interviews based on the strength of the written application and references.

Finalists are required to appear for a personal interview with members of the Board of Governors, Executive Director, and other members of a Selection Committee. VIRTUAL OR PHONE INTERVIEWS WILL NOT BE OFFERED. PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST A VIRTUAL OR PHONE INTERVIEW. The personal interview portion of the process will be judged on:


  1. Communication skills

  2. General presence

  3. Sincerity of commitment to public/political service

  4. Critical thinking skills

  5. Problem-solving ability



Following the interview, the applicants selected to participate in the Class of 2024 will be required to sign an “Acceptance of Placement Agreement” agreeing to the following:


  1. I have reviewed the schedule as provided; I have no known conflicts preventing me from attending the scheduled events.

  2. Attendance is mandatory at all scheduled training sessions, the Opening Dinner, the Business and Political Networking Reception, and graduation with attendance at networking events highly encouraged.

  3. I accept responsibility for adherence to the attendance policy which shall allow one excused absence. I understand I will be removed from the program on the occurrence of a second absence.

  4. Timelines are essential and tardy arrivals are not excused.  Partial absences will be counted as full absences unless previously arranged and could result in removal from the program.

  5. The Federal Government and Politics Session held in Washington, DC is mandatory.

    1. Any member not attending the DC session will be removed from the program.

    2. The DC training is a professional event, exclusively for members of the program.

    3. The majority of the cost is paid for by the program and the courtesy of reserving your time for program events is expected. Please do not schedule activities from Monday through Thursday without confirmation that there is no existing conflict.

  6. The dress code for all events shall be business attire.  No jeans, shorts, or sundresses.

  7. Any personal activities, including social media, shall not bring embarrassment or disrepute to the organization.

  8. Voter registration status is and will remain “Republican” throughout the entirety of the program.

  9. Double occupancy lodging will be provided for participants who travel over 50 miles from their homes to attend a session. Members are responsible for transportation to and from all sessions, including Washington DC, lodging at 50% of the room rate, or the additional cost to the program if a private room is requested.

  10. Homework and mandatory reading will be completed on time and as assigned.


Mandatory Reading with deadlines for completion

  • Conscience of a Conservative: Barry Goldwater (176 pages due for October session)

  • Economics in One Lesson: Henry Hazlitt (206 pages due for February session)

  • The Conservative Heart: Arthur Brooks (272 pages due for DC session, May)

  • The Blueprint, How the Democrats Won Colorado: by Adam Schrager and Rob Witmer (280 pages TBD)

Recommended Reading (not required)


  • Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand (1,168 pages)

  • God and Man at Yale, William Buckley, Jr. (300 pages

Application for download

Dodie Londen Series DBA Dodie Londen Excellence in Public Service Series is an IRS 527. 

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